Easy Meditation Course For Teenagers

Easy Meditation Course For Teenagers And Students

Easy  Meditations For Anxious And Stressed-Out Teenagers

Helping adolescents and teenagers experience
more calm, confidence and concentration.

Being a teenager is an extremely challenging time,
a time when we often face many difficulties and
overwhelming challenges for the first time.

It is such an important time in our life,
 to learn how to develop and nurture a more
 healthier emotional and mental resilience.

Meditation and forms of guided meditation can be
extremely helpful in reducing anxiety, stress
and depression in teens and young adults.

That is why I created this very simple yet effective introduction to
 meditation for teenagers and students.

I have also included my most popular technique of over 20 years my
less than 5 Minute Qi Gong Meditation

 Review of Our 5 Minute Qi Gong Meditation'

"This is an amazing meditation, my clients and
students love it, great for all ages.

Louise McConville, The Change Catalyst

Course Summary

This easy meditation course for teenagers and students includes simple, easy and effective meditation techniques and guided meditations

Course Curriculum

Eileen Burns

Eileen Burns, owner of Stress Coach Training and Spiritual Marketing Club is a stress management expert, coach, healer and therapist. Who has been providing anxiety and stress management solutions for over 20 years. Eileen began studying healing and holistic wellbeing over 30 years ago. She is highly qualified and experienced in a wide range of therapeutic and healing disciplines. She has studied Stress Management, Life Coaching, CBT Coaching, Psychology to University Level. Find more about Eileen's qualifications and experience CLICK HERE

Course Pricing

Instant Access


  • Instant access 5 Minute Qi Gong Meditation, Golden Sand Sleep Guided Meditation, Magical Garden For Self-Confidence & Self Love

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