Deep Sleep Meditations

golden beach and angel dreaming meditations,
plus Relaxation Technique 
to help you achieve deep quality sleep

Stop Struggling To Drift Off

Stop Struggling To Calm Your Busy Mind

Stop Waking Up Unrefreshed and Exhausted

Start feeling more deeply deeply calm and relaxed

As you start sleeping like a baby

Start waking up with more calm, peace

Energy and Clarity

Course Summary

This deeply soothing and healing guide meditations and muscle relaxation track have been created and channeled to help you drift off into a deep sleep.

Can also be used for those times where you just need time to switch off and relax.

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Course Curriculum

Eileen Burns
Owner of Stress Coach Training & Spiritual Marketing Club
Eileen is a highly qualified and experienced, Healer,  Coach, Therapist

& Meditation Trainer who has trained to University Level in Stress Management, CBT and Life Coaching.

She began her own healing and holistic journey 30 years ago due to rare and complex chronic health challenges including medical  negligence. She and has studied and worked with some of the most amazing powerful spiritual healers and  teachers around the world which have included Ed Strachar, Dr Karen Khan, Patricia Missakian.

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